Hawkeye Trademark


Hawkeye is a registered Trade Mark both Hawkeye and Device are registered in Class 09.
Trade Mark Registration No. 1212473 Class 09.

Closed Circuit Television apparatus, sound detecting apparatus and electronic image intensifiers, all for surveillance purposes; thermal imaging cameras; electrical control; monitoring and testing apparatus, all for use with the aforesaid goods; parts and fittings included in Class 9 for all the aforesaid goods; but not including any of the aforesaid goods for use in photographic or in cinematography.

Contact our head office if you have any question regarding the above.

Hawkeye Security
& Surveillance Systems Ltd.

Trademark Inquiries
Huntingdon Business Centre
Blackstone Road
Huntingdon, Cambs, PE29 6EF

Tel: 01480 811 276

Hawkeye Trademark


Hawkeye is a registered Trade Mark both Hawkeye and Device are registered in Class 09. Trade Mark Registration No. 1212473 Class 09.

Closed Circuit Television apparatus, sound detecting apparatus and electronic image intensifiers, all for surveillance purposes; thermal imaging cameras; electrical control; monitoring and testing apparatus, all for use with the aforesaid goods; parts and fittings included in Class 9 for all the aforesaid goods; but not including any of the aforesaid goods for use in photographic or in cinematography.

Contact our head office if you have any question regarding the above.

Hawkeye Security
& Surveillance Systems Ltd.

Trademark Inquiries
Huntingdon Business Centre
Blackstone Road
Huntingdon, Cambs, PE29 6EF

Tel: 01480 811 276

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